Friday 13 March 2015


I've never been great at sticking to an exercise regime. Ive joined the gym plenty of times but spending the money didn't force me to go. I have lots of exercise DVDs-I think I get it into my head that adding something to my Amazon basket will get me the results without any legwork! 

I started doing couch to 10k and only had a few weeks left but then the weather was snowy and icy over Christmas and I was scared to run. Those two weeks off turned into three months and now I will have to go way back to near the beginning when I eventually get round to it. I bought loads of cute running clothes and was really getting into it and it was helping to clear my head,but yet I didn't stick to it.

Cassey Ho is my favourite online fitness blogger. She created Blogilates and she puts together free monthly workout calendars which I can get sent straight to my iPad. I see results quickly with Pilates and enjoy her workouts even though they are difficult. But yet I didn't stick to it.

I started taking my dog out on long 8-10 mile walks whilst listening to Jillian Michaels  podcasts and I felt so refreshed and it was great. But yet I didn't stick to it.

See a trend emerging? I know that I need juicing and exercise in my life to help my physical and mental health as well as to get me to my goal weight. I have been obsessed with my weight for 10 years,it has wrecked my esteem and caused relationship problems because I let it take over.i don't want to spend the next ten years going round in the same vicious circle. I know what I need to do but I just don't seem to stick to anything. I wouldn't put diesel in my petrol car,so why am I not putting the right fuel in my own body? I wouldn't dream of not getting my dog exercised regularly,yet I am happy to be sedentary myself. My body is my home for life,it is time I took care of it inside and out.

I just wish I found it easier to do that. I guess it is a constant learning curve and even the girls on Instagram with beautiful bodies, perfect hair and skin,gorgeous workout clothes and perfectly clean meals had to start somewhere.

Comparing myself to others (or rather comparing my apparent lack of xyz with their apparent abundance) is not going to get me anywhere. I need to not compare my chapter one with someone else's chapter 20. We are all at different stages and we can all be winners. I just have to remember that.

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